Friday, October 25, 2019

ExtremeCloud IQ and RADIUS Integration

If you're looking at for cloud-hosted RADIUS and you want to integrate your ExtremeCloud IQ (formerly HiveManager NG), then you've come to the right place.

Here's a video guide that walks you through creating and configuring a simple setup in JumpCloud and how to configure an SSID to use it.

We've been approached by small school districts with a few sites that do not have Active Directory or any central directory service.  JumpCloud is an option we found and figured out how to integrate our Wi-Fi system.  JumpCloud has a plethora of video content to help you get the most out of their service.  They offer many services beyond the scope of this post.

Based on ExtremeCloud IQ version: (October 2019)

Feel free to leave any comments below.


EDIT:  Here's the advanced video to assign Tunnel-IDs so that you can associate proper VLANs to specific User Groups in JumpCloud.

JumpCloud Support Article

Install the JumpCloud PowerShell Module 

Get API key from API Settings menu item under your account email address in the top right corner.  Click the key to copy to the clipboard.

Launch PowerShell
CLI:  Install-Module JumpCloud -Scope CurrentUser
CLI:  Connect-JCOnline
CLI:  <Enter your API key>
Response:  Connection Status:  Successfully connected to JumpCloud!

Adding Radius Reply Attributes to a user group as Tunnel-Private-Group-ID
CLI:  Add-JCRadiusReplyAttribute -GroupName "Employee" -VLAN 5
CLI:  Add-JCRadiusReplyAttribute -GroupName “BYOD” -VLAN 10

Query RADIUS Reply Attributes
CLI:  Get-JCRadiusReplyAttribute -GroupName "Employee"
CLI:  Get-JCRadiusReplyAttribute -GroupName "BYOD"

Update RADIUS Reply Attributes to a different VLAN
CLI:  Set-JCRadiusReplyAttribute -GroupName “Employee” -VLAN 34
CLI:  Set-JCRadiusReplyAttribute -GroupName “BYOD” -VLAN 44

Remove RADIUS Reply Attributes from a user group
CLI:  Remove-JCRadiusReplyAttribute -GroupName "Employee" -All
CLI:  Remove-JCRadiusReplyAttribute -GroupName "BYOD" -All

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